How to Build Up Your Upper Chest

How to Build An Upper Chest

How to build up your upper chest is a topic of conversation that will leave you scratching your head. The good news is that building an impressive upper chest isn’t as hard as you think. Nonetheless, there is still a great deal of confusion surrounding this topic. At the end of this article, you will know which exercises and sequences are the best for building an upper chest.

How to build an upper chest?

Answer: The most important part of building an upper chest is to shock the muscle into submission. Remember to constantly vary the bench inclination degree for barbell and dumbbell incline exercises. This way you will target different parts of the upper chest. In addition, if your upper chest is lagging, then start every chest workout with incline presses. You’ll be fresh and can hit the upper pecs with much more intensity.

How Do I Make my Upper Chest Bigger?

Most chest workouts focus on the development of the middle chest. For instance, the “meat” of the pectoralis major is situated in the middle and lower portion of the muscle. Moreover, the effects of gravity are to blame leaving the upper pec region barren and thin. Whereas many chest workout programs treat this area as an afterthought, too many trainees overemphasize flat bench presses which target the middle pec.

The best way to build a bigger upper chest is by altering the exercise sequence. In other words, incline chest presses, set at the very beginning of a chest workout could increase hypertrophy when a trainee is at their strongest.

What Exercises Build Upper Chest?

Barbell and dumbbell incline exercises are ideal for building an upper chest. Nonetheless, the use of a full range of motion will elicit the greatest benefit to upper chest development. Similarly, the lifting of heavy weights under control also plays a key factor in muscular growth. As is the case with lifting heavy loads, strict form is important to avoid debilitating injures.

How Can I Build My Chest Muscles?

Chest muscles will grow with a combination of chest exercises executed under strict form. During a set of incline or flat barbell presses for instance, slowly lower the barbell to the point that it lightly touches the upper pec. Having the barbell connect with the thinner upper chest as opposed to the “meatier” middle chest muscle results in it having to travel a greater distance. The contact should be light while avoiding bouncing the barbell off of your chest which could leverage momentum. Lastly, just remember that smooth and deliberate movement increases time-under-tension, a key factor in muscle tissue breakdown.

Other factors play an equally important role such as ” the sticking point”. By definition, a sticking point represents a region of a trajectory where a muscle’s output is at its weakest. Interestingly enough, drastic reductions in sticking points could lead to an increase in overall strength throughout the entire range of motion therefor sparking muscular growth.

Finally, the best way to work through a sticking point is to choose a good spotter. A great spotter provides just enough assistance to keep the barbell in motion while you perform the brunt of the work.

Pro Tip Cheat Sheet to Building The Upper Chest:

  • Start your chest workout with barbell or dumbbell inclines
  • When doing barbell incline exercises, have the barbell lightly touch your upper chest
  • Focus on heavy compound exercises instead of isolation movement
  • Workout with a qualified spotter to help you overcome sticking points
  • Improve range of motion by stretching the chest muscles before and after each chest workout

Upper Chest Workouts for Stubborn Pecs

Altering pre-existing chest routines could lead to improvements in upper chest development. Emphasizing incline dumbbell and barbell presses early on in a routine is beneficial for stimulating muscle growth as strength is at its peak. Variances in bench inclination is also a key factor. For instance, slight adjustments to bench inclinations could target new muscle fibers.

Working out in older fitness facilities may play a greater role in building the upper chest. For instance, old-school gyms, stocked with “vintage machines” from defunct manufacturers, could provide new stimuli to stale chest workout routines.

How to Add Thickness to Your Upper Chest

Upper chest thickness is a by product of years of heavy lifting. Visible changes to the upper chest could occur after consistent use of a full range of motion. Heavy weights and small adjustments to bench inclination could improve upper chest hypertrophy. Lastly, incremental load stress placed upon the upper chest will result in muscular growth.

Stay Away from Fancy Exercises for Now

Hypertrophy of the upper chest development is achieved with heavy compound exercises. Conversely, workout plans that emphasize a reliance on cable stations are ineffective at tissue breakdown and improving overall strength. Hence, compound lifts elicit the greatest breakdown of muscle tissue.

Pro Tip: Alternate between barbell and dumbbell workout exclusively. For example

  • Week 1 Dumbbell incline presses only
  • Week 2 Barbell incline presses only

Upper Chest Workout Plan

  • Incline barbell presses – adjust bench inclination if possible
  • Incline dumbbell flys – adjust bench inclination
  • Flat bench barbell presses
  • Incline puch ups

Free Chest Workout Guide

Download the free perfect Pec workout guide. It includes essential tips on the following:

  • Chest training technique
  • Exercise sequences
  • Rep ranges
  • How to eat for size

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